So several months ago I Scored a Singer Featherweight 221. It just needed some cleaning, oiling, and some TLC and off it went ! I was just missing some "parts" The Lady that I bought it from said that she'd look around the house and see if she could find the parts. I went back to the shop, parentals went to the shop....nothing. SO yesterday I swung buy for one last try, Guess what was waiting on me !?!?! rest of the Parts I've also been looking for a Slant-o-matic (aka Rocketeer by Singer) The first time I saw one on EBay, the price was reasonable...Then because I decided that I wanted one, the price soared. They say that patience is a virtue, I truly need to work on that one, BUT look what I found !!! It's got all the goodies too !!!! Including the hinges that fit into a sewing table ...