
Showing posts from January, 2013

taking responsibility

Just finished up a really long stretch of days at work that was complicated by pt's family who don't really want help.   They enjoy the "pity party" that they have made for themselves.   In the process, you make my job of getting your family well ( as well as tending to the other pt's that I have)  The Dr, case manager and nurses have all offered help and solutions.....all we here is how bad you have it, how hard your life is......That's a choice in your life that you have mad....I don't care.....I do care about where your family is going at discharge and who is going to take care of them......GROW UP !!!!!  Don't yell at me when I call and ask you come help keep your family from falling out of bed....we don't "tie them down"  for your convenience   To think that I've signed up or an Extra......I hope I get a new team....... I will enjoy rest of the day..........

Dr knocked out

Hwd my Dr apoointment today...i did well...boood work was good, weight is down...not bad for a big girl
It's a cold, wet, rainy day.....My choices are 1) sleep                                                                    2) clean the house                                                                    3) sew until cello practice    hmmmmmmm      me thinks #3 it is !!!!!   I still need to finish up with Easy has been really busy and  extra shifts are easy to be had......but it so interferes with sewing
well, I started my day with plans and goals,   very little have I accomplished.  The Christmas tree is still up, I still haven't ironed the 500 pieces for the quilt (I've added to the pile to iron though).   It's rainy and cold,  I just lack motivation.  My mind is on my nephew in OK,  He started to have seizures today.   They are not sure is it's form the chemo, or if something else is going on.   He's for a slew of tests on we sit , watch, wait, and pray that this is a minor glitch in his fight .

So many sick folks !!!!!

Was able to work my extra today.....but there are no signs of things slowing down....they are searching for folks this weekend and Monday ( which I already signed up for....and I guess I will be working) ....going to have to make the best of the next two days off.....I have rest of easy street cut out, I need to iron 5 million blocks ( next time I pick up a hobby I'm going to make sure NO IRONING involved!
well here we are 3 days into the New Year !!!!   I'm still boring, still running behind.......It's a shame that you have to stop projects and go to work !!!!   But at least I have a job to go to.   As far as New Year Resolutions    This year I'm reading the Psalms and Proverbs... I think I'll end up reading the Psalms 3 times and Proverbs 12 times......It should be fun !!!    I gained back 6 lbs of the 42 that I lost.........which for me is extremely good.   I need to get back on the diet bandwagon and finish losing my weight..... I have about 30 more to go....So the treadmill needs to get dusted off, knee brace needs to be found and rest of the Christmas cookies need to be thrown out.....although the dogs think they are doggie treats.    I'm continuing the struggle to be "bill free"  Work is busy,  so over time is available....That helps.   I'm also going to find a Church that I'm comfortable in and go faithfully....